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  • Vol 83 (2002)

    Menken Maarten J.J., «The Old Testament Quotation in Matthew 27,9-10: Textual Form and Context» Vol.83 (2002) 305-328

    The source of the fulfilment quotation in Matt 27,9-10 must be Zech 11,13, but the biblical text is distorted to a degree that is unparalleled in the other fulfilment quotations, and Matthew ascribes the quotation to Jeremiah. Another difficulty is that the quotation seems to have influenced the context to a much larger extent than in the case of the other fulfilment quotations. A careful analysis of the text shows that the peculiar textual form can be explained in a relatively simple way. The influence of the quotation on Matt 27,3-8 is limited, and is best ascribed to Matthew’s redaction. After all, this fulfilment quotation appears to be less exceptional than it is sometimes supposed to be.

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    Royalty Robert M., «Dwelling on Visions.On the Nature of the so-called ‘Colossians Heresy’» Vol.83 (2002) 329-357

    This paper argues that Revelation provides a social-historical, theological, and ideological context for the reconstruction of the Colossian opposition. The proposal is that the author of the Apocalypse arrived in Asia after the Jewish-Roman war; his "dwelling on visions" and prophetic activity challenged the emerging hierarchy within the churches, provoking a response in Paul’s name from the church leadership. Correspondences and parallels between the description of the opposition in Colossians and Revelation are developed exegetically, showing that eschatology and Christology were key issues in the dispute. This paper reexamines the heresiological rhetoric of Colossians, raising methodological questions about other scholarly reconstructions of the opposition as non-Christian.

    Choi John H., «The Doctrine of the Golden Mean in Qoh 7,15-18: A Universal Human Pursuit» Vol.83 (2002) 358-374

    Two issues surrounding the doctrine of the golden mean in Qoh 7,15-18 are addressed. First, a review and critique of previous research demonstrates that the passage indeed supports the golden mean, and does not present a theological problem to the reader. Secondly, the view that the golden mean is a Hellenistic product is challenged by considering: (1) the dating and (2) nature of cultural exchange between Greece and the Near East; (3) linguistic data indicating an early date of composition for Qoheleth; and (4) the presence of Near Eastern and Eastern ideas of the golden mean. These four factors demonstrate that the golden mean in Qoheleth likely is not of Greek origin from the time of Alexander the Great, but is likely a universal phenomenon.

    Troxel Ronald L., «Economic Plunder as a Leitmotif in LXX-Isaiah» Vol.83 (2002) 375-391

    The translator of LXX-Isaiah is known to have perceived in the prophet’s words presages of events in his day and to have expressed those in his translation. Some such themes recur often enough to merit designating them leitmotifs. Such is the case with the description of the people’s plunder through taxation as portrayed in 3,12-15; 5,5.17; 6,13; 9,3-4. Each of these descriptions arises through a unique construal of Hebrew syntax or an assumption of novel semantic ranges for Hebrew lexemes. The appearance of this theme in each of these otherwise unrelated passages merits designating it a leitmotif.

    Vanhoye S.J. Albert, «La définition de l’"autre évangile" en Ga 1,6-7» Vol.83 (2002) 392-398

    A punctuation which divides in two the expression ou)ka!llo ei) mh/ brings some exegetes to say that Paul, in Gal 1,6-7, denies the existence of any other gospel. But if one respects the unity of the greek expression, one sees that Paul denies only the authenticity of another gospel. He does not deny the existence of two legitimate forms of evangelization (cf. Gal 2,7).

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    Warnke Annekatrin, «Die Verbformen mit dem Suffix "w$m-" als Kernelemente der Textstruktur von Ex 15,1b-18» Vol.83 (2002) 399-408

    The crucial structural element in Ex 15,1b–18 is the 3rd person masculine plural suffix -w$m (or -w%m) which is found in nine verbal forms that are distributed over the entire text. Other structural elements, which are formal and have to do with the content, harmoniously fit into a macrostructure that has been shown to be concentrically parallel. In view of the convincing composition which extends beyond the Song, the original literary unity of the Song of the Sea of Reeds can hardly be doubted any more.