Index by Biblical Books
Matthew 1,20
Crowe Brandon D. «The Song of Moses and Divine Begetting in Matt 1,20» Vol. (2009) 47-58
Matthew 5,11-12
Estrada Bernardo «The Last Beatitude. Joy in Suffering.» Vol. (2010) 187-209
Matthew 5,17-20
Thiessen Matthew «Abolishers of the Law in Early Judaism and Matthew 5,17-20» Vol. (2012) 543-556
Matthew 11,2-6
Stettler Hanna «Die Bedeutung der Täuferanfrage in Matthäus 11,2-6 par Lk 7,18-23 für die Christologie» Vol. (2008) 173-200
Matthew 12,9-14
Wilson Walter T. «Matthew, Philo, and Mercy for Animals (Matt 12,9-14)» Vol. (2015) 201-221
Matthew 13,1-53
Rohmer Céline «Aux frontières du discours en paraboles (Mt 13,1-53)» Vol. (2011) 597-610
Matthew 20,1-16
Naizer Eric R. «Discourse Prominence in Matthew 20,1-16: Stanley Porter's Verbal Aspect Theory applied» Vol. (2009) 41-54
Matthew 21,13
Cirafesi Wally V. «Tense-Form Reduction and the Use of 'epoiesate' in Codex Bezae Matthew 21,13//Mark 1,17.» Vol. (2013) 61-68
Matthew 22,30
Makujina John «‘Till Death Do Us Part’? Or the Continuation of Marriage in the Eschaton? Answering Recent Objections to the Traditional Reading of Gameo - Gamizo in the Synoptic Gospels.» Vol. (2012) 57-74
Matthew 26,31
Menken Maarten J.J. «Striking the Shepherd. Early Christian Versions and Interpretations of Zechariah 13,7» Vol. (2011) 39-59
Mark 7,22-23
Hobson G. Thomas «ἀσέλγεια in Mark 7:22» Vol. (2008) 65-74
Mark 7,24-30
Aletti Jean-Noël «Analyse narrative de Mc 7,24-30. Difficultés et propositions.» Vol. (2012) 357-376
Mark 1,1
Becker Eve-Marie «Mk 1:1 and the Debate on a 'Markan Prologue'» Vol. (2009) 91-106
Mark 1,1
Deppe Dean B. «Markan Christology and the Omission of υἱοῦ θεοῦ in Mark 1:1» Vol. (2008) 45-64
Mark 3,27
Schapdick Stefan «Der gebundene Starke (Mk 3,27) als markinisches Programm einer Umwertung der Werte.» Vol. (2014) 546-569
Mark 5,13
Lau Markus «Die Legio X Fretensis und der Besessene von Gerasa. Anmerkungen zur Zahlenangabe “ungefähr Zweitausend” (Mk 5,13)» Vol. (2007) 351-364
Mark 8,27-30
Deppe Dean B. «Markan Christology and the Omission of υἱοῦ θεοῦ in Mark 1:1» Vol. (2008) 45-64
Mark 8,35
Van Oyen Geert «The Vulnerable Authority of the Author of the Gospel of Mark. Re-Reading the Paradoxes» Vol. (2010) 161-186
Mark 9,35
Van Oyen Geert «The Vulnerable Authority of the Author of the Gospel of Mark. Re-Reading the Paradoxes» Vol. (2010) 161-186
Mark 10,43-44
Van Oyen Geert «The Vulnerable Authority of the Author of the Gospel of Mark. Re-Reading the Paradoxes» Vol. (2010) 161-186
Mark 10,46-52
Ossandón Juan Carlos «Bartimaeus’ Faith: Plot and Point of View in Mark 10,46-52» Vol. (2012) 377-402
Mark 11,17
Cirafesi Wally V. «Tense-Form Reduction and the Use of 'epoiesate' in Codex Bezae Matthew 21,13//Mark 1,17.» Vol. (2013) 61-68
Mark 12,14-44
Damm Alex «Ancient Rhetoric as a Guide to Literary Dependence: The Widow’s Mite» Vol. (2016) 222-243
Mark 12,25
Makujina John «‘Till Death Do Us Part’? Or the Continuation of Marriage in the Eschaton? Answering Recent Objections to the Traditional Reading of Gameo - Gamizo in the Synoptic Gospels.» Vol. (2012) 57-74
Mark 13
Martin Gustavo «Procedural Register in the Olivet Discourse: A Functional Linguistic Approach to Mark 13» Vol. (2009) 457-483
Mark 14,1-11
Smit Sibinga Joost «From Anointing to Arrest. Some Observations on the Composition of Mark 14:1-52» Vol. (2010) 3-35
Mark 14,27
Menken Maarten J.J. «Striking the Shepherd. Early Christian Versions and Interpretations of Zechariah 13,7» Vol. (2011) 39-59
Mark 14,28
Smit Sibinga Joost «From Anointing to Arrest. Some Observations on the Composition of Mark 14:1-52» Vol. (2010) 3-35
Mark 14,32-65
Ong Hughson T. «An Evaluation of the Aramaic Greek Language Criteria in Historical Jesus Research: a Sociolinguistic Study of Mark 14,32-65.» Vol. (2012) 37-55
Mark 14,41
Danove Paul «Christological Implications of the three-fold Interpretation of Verbs of Transference» Vol. (2008) 27-44
Mark 14,43-52
Smit Sibinga Joost «From Anointing to Arrest. Some Observations on the Composition of Mark 14:1-52» Vol. (2010) 3-35
Mark 14,51-52
Allen Rupert «Mark 14,51-52 and Coptic Hagiography» Vol. (2008) 265-268
Mark 15,39
Eubank Nathan «Dying with Power. Mark 15,39 from Ancient to Modern Interpretation» Vol. (2014) 247-268
Luke 9,43
Holtz Gudrun «Zur christologischen Relevanz des Furchtmotivs im Lukasevangelium» Vol. (2009) 484-505
Luke 19
Kilgallen John «Was Jesus Right to Eat with Sinners and Tax Collectors?» Vol. (2012) 590-600
Luke 19,8
Tichy Ladislav «Was hat Zachäus geantwortet? (Lk 19,8)» Vol. (2011) 21-38
Luke 20,13
Kilgallen John «Luke 20,13 and i1swj» Vol. (2008) 263-264
Neumann Nils «Bewegungen im Dreieck: Heil als Begegnung im erzählten Raum des lukanischen Sonderguts.» Vol. (2016) 375-394
Luke 1,4
Kilgallen John «Luke wrote to Rome – a Suggestion» Vol. (2007) 251-255
Luke 1,26-38
Feník Juraj - Lapko Róbert «Annunciations to Mary in Luke 1–2» Vol. (2015) 498-524
Luke 1,78
Lanier Gregory R. «"From God" or "from Heaven"? "ex upsous" in Luke 1,78» Vol. (2016) 121-127
Luke 2,8-20
Feník Juraj - Lapko Róbert «Annunciations to Mary in Luke 1–2» Vol. (2015) 498-524
Luke 2,22-35
Feník Juraj - Lapko Róbert «Annunciations to Mary in Luke 1–2» Vol. (2015) 498-524
Luke 2,41-52
Feník Juraj - Lapko Róbert «Annunciations to Mary in Luke 1–2» Vol. (2015) 498-524
Luke 4,33
Lins Brandão Jacyntho «Aminadab - Aram/Adam - Admin - Arni in Luke 4,33» Vol. (2011) 127-134
Luke 5
Kilgallen John «Was Jesus Right to Eat with Sinners and Tax Collectors?» Vol. (2012) 590-600
Luke 6,22-23
Estrada Bernardo «The Last Beatitude. Joy in Suffering.» Vol. (2010) 187-209
Luke 7
Kilgallen John «Was Jesus Right to Eat with Sinners and Tax Collectors?» Vol. (2012) 590-600
Luke 7,18-23
Stettler Hanna «Die Bedeutung der Täuferanfrage in Matthäus 11,2-6 par Lk 7,18-23 für die Christologie» Vol. (2008) 173-200
Luke 15
Kilgallen John «Was Jesus Right to Eat with Sinners and Tax Collectors?» Vol. (2012) 590-600
Luke 17,26-28
Makujina John «‘Till Death Do Us Part’? Or the Continuation of Marriage in the Eschaton? Answering Recent Objections to the Traditional Reading of Gameo - Gamizo in the Synoptic Gospels.» Vol. (2012) 57-74
Luke 20,34-36
Makujina John «‘Till Death Do Us Part’? Or the Continuation of Marriage in the Eschaton? Answering Recent Objections to the Traditional Reading of Gameo - Gamizo in the Synoptic Gospels.» Vol. (2012) 57-74
Luke 21,1-4
Damm Alex «Ancient Rhetoric as a Guide to Literary Dependence: The Widow’s Mite» Vol. (2016) 222-243
Luke 21,13-33
Rastoin Marc «Cléophas et Lydie: un 'couple' lucanien hautement théologique.» Vol. (2014) 371-387
Luke 22,31-34
Rastoin Marc «Simon-Pierre entre Jésus et Satan» Vol. (2008) 153-172
Luke 24,36-49
Beutler Johannes «'Reich Gottes' im Johannesevangelium» Vol. (2015) 428-441
John 16,32
Menken Maarten J.J. «Striking the Shepherd. Early Christian Versions and Interpretations of Zechariah 13,7» Vol. (2011) 39-59
John 18,4
Parker Floyd O. «Is the Subject of 'tetelestai' in John 19,30 'It' or 'All Things' ?» Vol. (2015) 222-244
John 18,33-37
Beutler Johannes «'Reich Gottes' im Johannesevangelium» Vol. (2015) 428-441
John 1,1
Caragounis Chrys C. - Watt Jan Van der «A Grammatical Analysis of John 1,1» Vol. (2008) 91-138
John 1,12-14
Prosinger Franz «Vorschlag einer dynamisch-konzentrischen Struktur des Johannesprologs» Vol. (2016) 244-263
John 1,28
Hutton Jeremy M. «'Bethany beyond the Jordan' in Text, Tradition, and Historical Geography» Vol. (2008) 305-328
John 2,1-11
Smit Sibinga Joost «From Anointing to Arrest. Some Observations on the Composition of Mark 14:1-52» Vol. (2010) 3-35
John 2,1-4,54
Kierspel Lars «'Dematerializing' Religion: Reading John 2–4 as a Chiasm» Vol. (2008) 526-554
John 2,12-22
Smit Sibinga Joost «From Anointing to Arrest. Some Observations on the Composition of Mark 14:1-52» Vol. (2010) 3-35
John 2,23-25
Tam Josaphat C. «When Papyri and Codices Speak: Revisiting John 2,23-25.» Vol. (2014) 570-588
John 3,16
Frick Peter «Johannine Soteriology and Aristotelian Philosophy. A Hermeneutical Suggestion on Reading John 3,16 and 1 John 4,9» Vol. (2007) 415-421
John 5,31-47
Bartholomä Philipp F. «John 5,31-47 and the Teaching of Jesus in the Synoptics. A Comparative Approach.» Vol. (2011) 368-
John 8
Myers Alicia D. «Prosopopoetics and Conflict: Speech and Expectations in John 8» Vol. (2011) 580-596
John 9,38
Steegen Martijn «M. Steegen: To Worship the Johannine 'Son of Man'. John 9,38 as Refocusing on the Father» Vol. (2010) 534-554
John 13,23
Baum Armin D. «Autobiografische Wir- und Er-Stellen in den neutestamentlichen Geschichtsbüchern im Kontext der antiken Literaturgeschichte» Vol. (2007) 473-495
John 13,31-14,3
Jennings Mark «The Fourth Gospel’s Reversal of Mark in John 13,31‒14,3» Vol. (2013) 210-236
John 13,37
Böhler Dieter «Liebe und Freundschaft im Johannesevangelium. Zum alttestamentlichen Hintergrund von Joh 21,15-19» Vol. (2015) 599-608
John 14,15
Stettler Hanna «Die Gebote Jesu im Johannesevangelium (14,15.21; 15,10)» Vol. (2011) 554-579
John 14,21
Stettler Hanna «Die Gebote Jesu im Johannesevangelium (14,15.21; 15,10)» Vol. (2011) 554-579
John 15,10
Stettler Hanna «Die Gebote Jesu im Johannesevangelium (14,15.21; 15,10)» Vol. (2011) 554-579
John 19,26
Baum Armin D. «Autobiografische Wir- und Er-Stellen in den neutestamentlichen Geschichtsbüchern im Kontext der antiken Literaturgeschichte» Vol. (2007) 473-495
John 19,30
Parker Floyd O. «Is the Subject of 'tetelestai' in John 19,30 'It' or 'All Things' ?» Vol. (2015) 222-244
John 20,2
Baum Armin D. «Autobiografische Wir- und Er-Stellen in den neutestamentlichen Geschichtsbüchern im Kontext der antiken Literaturgeschichte» Vol. (2007) 473-495
John 21,7
Baum Armin D. «Autobiografische Wir- und Er-Stellen in den neutestamentlichen Geschichtsbüchern im Kontext der antiken Literaturgeschichte» Vol. (2007) 473-495
John 21,11
Rastoin Marc «Encore une fois les 153 poissons (Jn 21,11)» Vol. (2009) 84-92
John 21,15-19
Böhler Dieter «Liebe und Freundschaft im Johannesevangelium. Zum alttestamentlichen Hintergrund von Joh 21,15-19» Vol. (2015) 599-608
John 21,20
Baum Armin D. «Autobiografische Wir- und Er-Stellen in den neutestamentlichen Geschichtsbüchern im Kontext der antiken Literaturgeschichte» Vol. (2007) 473-495
Acts 1,8
Biguzzi Giancarlo «Witnessing Two by Two in the Acts of the Apostles.» Vol. (2011) 1-20
Acts 1,11
Danove Paul «Christological Implications of the three-fold Interpretation of Verbs of Transference» Vol. (2008) 27-44
Acts 8,4-25
Fabien Patrick «La conversion de Simon le magicien (Ac 8,4-25)» Vol. (2010) 210-240
Acts 13,13-43
Rius-Camps Josep «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XIX) (Acts 13:13-43).» Vol. (2007) 127-146
Acts 13,44-52
Rius-Camps Josep «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XX) (Acts 13:44-52)» Vol. (2008) 139-146
Acts 14,8-10
Hendriks Wim «'Euteos' beyond the Temporal Meaning.» Vol. (2012) 21-35
Acts 14,28-15,41
Rius-Camps Josep - Read-Heimerdinger Jenny «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XXII) (Acts 14:28–15:41)» Vol. (2010) 175-200
Acts 15,5-11
Rastoin Marc «Cléophas et Lydie: un 'couple' lucanien hautement théologique.» Vol. (2014) 371-387
Acts 16
Rius-Camps Josep - Read-Heimerdinger Jenny «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XXIII) (Acts 16:1–40)» Vol. (2011) 135-164
Acts 17,1-18,23
Rius-Camps Josep - Read-Heimerdinger Jenny «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XXIV) (Acts 17:1–18:23).» Vol. (2012) 119-160
Acts 18,24-19,40
Rius-Camps Josep - Read-Heimerdinger Jenny «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Aspostles (XXV) (Acts 18:24–19:40).» Vol. (2013) 127-163
Acts 19
Witetschek Stephan «Artemis and Asiarchs. Some Remarks on Ephesian Local Colour in Acts 19» Vol. (2009) 334-355
Acts 28,28
Kilgallen John «Acts 28,28 — Why?» Vol. (2009) 176-187