Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Aspostles (XXV) (Acts 18:24–19:40).», Vol. 26 (2013) 127-163
In the text of Acts according to Codex Bezae, a fourth and final part of the book begins at 18.24. It is Paul’s ultimate goal of Rome that separates it from the earlier missionary phases and confers unity on the remainder of the book. In this opening section (Section I), his activity will be centred for three years in Ephesus, the main city of Asia, where he will meet with some success despite hostility from some of the Jews. In his dealings with the Gentiles, opposition will also be encountered because of the threat posed by his teachings to the trade of the city. The Bezan narrator indicates plainly that Paul’s travel to Ephesus should have been the initial stage of his journey to the imperial capital. Additional references in Codex Bezae to the directions given to Paul by the Holy Spirit make clear that his visit had been prepared for by the work of Apollos; however, it was contrary to his own intentions, which were rather to go back to Jerusalem. The struggle against the divine leading is seen as Paul terminates his stay in Asia once he has carefully prepared for his return to Jerusalem.
The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles 139
[B-A'] 19:21-22 Paul’s extended stay in Asia
[a] 19:21 Paul’s decision to go to Hierosoluma
[b] 19:22 His prolonged stay in Asia
Codex Bezae D05 Codex Vaticanus B03
[Aa] 19:8 When Paul went into the syna- 19:8 He went into the synagogue and
gogue, he spoke boldly with great spoke boldly for three months, de-
power for three months, debating bating and trying to persuade with
and trying to persuade about the respect to the things concerning the
kingdom of God. kingdom of God.
[b] 9a Some of them, however, hard- 9a When some, though, hardened
ened themselves and did not believe, themselves and did not believe, with
with the result that they reviled the the result that they reviled the Way
Way before the gathered crowd of before the gathered crowd,
[b'] 9b So then Paul withdrew from 9b he withdrew from them and took
them and took the disciples away, the disciples away, lecturing daily in
lecturing every day in the school of the school of Tyrannus.
a certain little tyrant from the fifth
hour to the tenth.
[a'] 10 This lasted two years until all the 10 This lasted two years so that all
inhabitants of Asia had heard the the inhabitants of Asia heard the
words of the Lord, Jews and Greeks. word of the Lord, Jews and also
[Ba] 11 God performed many no ordi- 11 Furthermore, God performed
nary miracles through the hands of many no ordinary miracles through
Paul, 12 so that sweat bands or even the hands of Paul, 12 so that sweat
sweat cloths were carried from his bands or sweat cloths were carried
skin onto the sick and the diseases away from his skin onto the sick and
left them and the evil spirits went the diseases left them and the evil
out. spirits went out.
[b] 13 Some from among the itinerant 13 Some of the itinerant Jewish ex-
Jewish exorcists set about naming orcists set about naming over those
over those who had evil spirits the who had evil spirits the name of the
name of the Lord Jesus saying, ‘I Lord Jesus saying, ‘I exorcize you by
exorcize you by Jesus whom Paul Jesus whom Paul preaches’.
[c] 14a In this situation, the sons of 14 There were seven sons of a certain
Sceva, a certain priest, also wanted Sceva, a Jewish High Priest, doing
to do the same thing – they were ac- this.
customed to exorcizing such people.