Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Aspostles (XXV) (Acts 18:24–19:40).», Vol. 26 (2013) 127-163
In the text of Acts according to Codex Bezae, a fourth and final part of the book begins at 18.24. It is Paul’s ultimate goal of Rome that separates it from the earlier missionary phases and confers unity on the remainder of the book. In this opening section (Section I), his activity will be centred for three years in Ephesus, the main city of Asia, where he will meet with some success despite hostility from some of the Jews. In his dealings with the Gentiles, opposition will also be encountered because of the threat posed by his teachings to the trade of the city. The Bezan narrator indicates plainly that Paul’s travel to Ephesus should have been the initial stage of his journey to the imperial capital. Additional references in Codex Bezae to the directions given to Paul by the Holy Spirit make clear that his visit had been prepared for by the work of Apollos; however, it was contrary to his own intentions, which were rather to go back to Jerusalem. The struggle against the divine leading is seen as Paul terminates his stay in Asia once he has carefully prepared for his return to Jerusalem.
140 Josep Rius-Camps and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
[d] 14b They went into the house of the
demon-possessed person and began
calling on the name saying, ‘We or-
der you by Jesus whom Paul preach-
es to go out’.
[e] 15 At that point, the evil spirit re- 15 The evil spirit replied and said to
plied: it said to them, ‘Jesus I know them, ‘Jesus I know and Paul I am ac-
and Paul I am acquainted with, but quainted with, but who are you?’
who are you?’
[d'] 16 And by springing on them, the 16 And having leapt on them, the
man in whom was the evil spirit got man in whom was the evil spirit got
control of them and overpowered complete control of them all and
them both, with the result that, na- overpowered them, with the result
ked and wounded, they fled out of that, naked and wounded, they fled
that house. out of that house.
[c'] 17a This became known to all the 17a This became known to all the
Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus; Jews as well as the Greeks living in
[b'] 17b fear fell on them all, 17b fear fell on them all,
[a'] 17c and the name of the Lord Jesus 17c and the name of the Lord Jesus
was magnified. was magnified.
[B'a] 18 Many of those who believed 18 And furthermore, many of those
came confessing and disclosing their who had become believers came con-
magic practices; fessing and disclosing their deeds.
[b] 19a a good number of those practis- 19a A good number of those practis-
ing magic even collected their books ing magic collected their books and
and burned them in front of every- burned them in front of everyone.
[b'] 19b They counted up what they 19b They counted up what they were
were worth: they found it was worth, and found it was 50,000 piec-
50,000 pieces of silver. es of silver.
[a'] 20 In this way, faith in God power- 20 In this way, according to the
fully gathered strength: it was grow- power of the Lord, the word began to
ing and expanding. grow and be strong.
[A'a] 21 Paul then resolved in his spirit 21 Now when these things had been
to travel through Macedonia and accomplished, Paul resolved in his
through Achaia, and to make the spirit after travelling through Mac-
journey to Hierosoluma, saying, edonia and Achaia to make the jour-
‘After I have been there, I must also ney to Hierosoluma, saying, ‘After
see Rome’. I have been there, I must also see
[a'] 22 And having sent to Macedonia 22 So having sent to Macedonia two
two of those who were serving him, of those who were serving him, Tim-
Timothy and Erastus, he himself de- othy and Erastus, he himself delayed
layed for a little while in Asia. for a while in Asia.